Tuesday, December 06, 2005

...International Red Cross Political Correctness Issue...Representatives from 192 countries gathered in Geneva yesterday to work out an agreement that would allow the International Red Cross (IRC) to use a third emblem for their insignia, and thus allow Israel to join the movement - they have been excluded up to this point. Israel has always refused to let the Red Cross equivalent work in its country, since they use either the Christian red cross or Muslim crescent. Israel has insisted up to this point on using the Star of David, so that has never worked out. The new design is to be a neutral design that could be used in countries where the cross or the crescent are deemed unacceptable.
...Hannukah songs ok, but no Christmas carols because 'songs with dogmatic religious statements' are foribdden.
...More religious attacks in southeast Asia, including Christian children murdered.
...Christmas: Going, going, gone? Another article on something that seems to be cropping every day this year. Lots of Scrooges out there this year, eh?


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