Monday, June 05, 2006


Here’s a story that had slipped under my radar. I don’t recall seeing much on this anywhere in the MSM (mainstream media). I had heard proposals for new identification cards for immigrants, and I had seen reports on id proposals in other countries, but not here in our own country. But apparently, the Real ID Act of 2005, which was attached as a rider to another larger bill, has now been passed by our House of Representatives. The bill would require all states to issue electronic identification cards, apparently including some sort of biometric data, to all adults in their states by 2008.

There’s quite a bit of controversy about this, as you might expect, from folks who are aware of it. Of course, since this doesn’t involve a murder, missing person or celebrity, it’s hard to find much about it in the MSM. Things that could affect the lives of every man, woman and child in our country often get overlooked – apparently too boring to be considered as news.

Looked at from an end-of-days viewpoint, it seems to be drawing us closer to the day when everyone will be required to have a ‘mark’ in order to buy or sell. I have long thought that the answer the PTB (powers that be) will come up with as a solution to identity theft and a myriad of other computer problems will be to require anyone who logs onto any computer system to have biometrically verified identification.

The Daily Reckoning article linked here also points out that not only would new cards contain unique biometric information, they will also emit signals that can be monitored and tracked by parties with sufficient resources and interest to do so. Who do you think that might be? Wikipedia, the free online encyclopedia, also has quite a bit of information on the Real ID Act of 2005. And here is the link to government info on the bill. It has been passed by the house and has been passed to the Senate, where a committee will consider it.



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