Wednesday, June 14, 2006

North American Union? or the new United States of the Americas?
Is It On The Way?

...Another story that had slipped beneath my radar screen. If you depend on the MSM (mainstream media) for your information, you may be up to date on all the latest celebrity gossip, but woefully ignorant of important news that affects every man, woman and child in our nation. The following is from Human Events Online, a conservative news site. While I certainly do not agree with everything they espouse, I found this article fascinating:
Bush Administration Quietly Plans NAFTA Super Highway.
...And it appears they are correct. It is all out there in the open. It just isn't a story that the MSM has decided to tell us much about. Plans are in place for a transportation super-corridor starting in Mexico and ending in Canada, completely dissecting the U.S., running from Laredo, TX to the Canadian border. Besides rail and pipeline, it will be a 10 lane toll road (controlled by a foreign corporation). According to the article, once completed the system will allow Asian shipments to be unloaded at Mexican ports, then transported directly by Mexican trucks on the super highway system to Mexican customs in Kansas City, MO, which is to be the new super port. This will allow the system to completely bypass U.S. ports in California, and the Teamsters and Longshoremen's unions in the process.
...Here is the website for the super corridor. NASCO International Mid-Continent Trade and Transportation Corridor Secure Multi-Modal Transportation System. Check it out, see the pretty map. Nothing secret here. Hidden in plain view. Remember, it's not news if the MSM doesn't cover it....And here's the link to the Kansas City SmartPort website.
...Here's a link to a Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) report on the entire project. It is long, but worthwhile if only to see what the PTB (powers that be) are thinking, at least as much as they will allow us to see. The report is entitled Building A North American Community, and openly intends to bring about the equivalent of the European Union here in North America.
...For instance, their intent is that by 2010, there be only exterior borders around the continent, and free travel and commerce between the three nations, effectively making one large community. Their views on Mexican immigration also explain a lot of what has been going on in the border issues. The report sees the day when, using its example, a Canadian company would be able to pick up freight in the U.S. and take it to another point in the U.S. without any involvement of any kind from any U.S. firm. And education is a major part of the report's agenda. They would like to see more student exchange and teacher exchange programs and help students to get more of a 'North American' identity, rather than that pesky old nationalism. And there would be biometric identification cards issued to help speed freight shipments through checkpoints in the system. The report also states that the goal of NAFTA was to help the Mexican economy - that's cold comfort to all the middle class citizens of the U.S. who have lost jobs since NAFTA and the other intentional outsourcing efforts by the ptb - I don't remember it being sold that way to the middle class when it was being voted upon. Term limits, or a third political party, anyone? Our ruling class seems to be selling out the middle class citizens of this great country. But that is a sign of the times in which we live.
We are living in the last times before the return of Jesus Christ - see previous blog How We Can Know These Are The Last Times. We need to pray for our country that we are on the 'right' side in these last days and that God continue His mercy upon us.


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